Create a new project.
Project Name
Enter the name of the project.
The project folder will be created in the folder user selected.
Product Type
Select orthosis degign type.
Toolbar menus are activated differently depending on the orthosis design type and on the activated licenses.
WHO : Wrist Hand Orthosis (Project suffix _WHO)
AFO : Ankle Foot Orthosis (Project suffix _AFO)
Insole : Orthotic Insole (Project suffix _SOL)
Freehand : General Orthosis (Project suffix _BAS)
Project Folder Location
Select a folder that project files will be stored.
Import Scan File
Select the PLY/STL file you want to import for designing orthosis.
If the file is opened, you can immediately see the mesh model in the tree and canvas.
Scan Model Units
Sets the unit of the import mesh model generated by the scanner.
It is dependent on the unit set by the 3D scanner.
Create project information and import scan model.
The project name is created by adding subscripts such as AFO and WHO to the entered name automatically.
The scan mesh model is renamed to 'Name_M0' and loaded into the project tree list.