MediACE3D V1
User's Manual


Cut face with closed curve that created with Draw function.

Mesh Model

1. Mesh Model
 Select the target mesh model.
Create a trimmed model in the selected model.

Select Face Trim/Reset

2. Select Face Trim/Reset 
Select target face(s) or reset selection(s).
The selected area turns grey.
Select Face (Trim): Select the faces to trim.
Select Face (Unselect): Select the faces to cancel from the selected faces.
Reset:  Cancels the select face execution.
To run it again, you have to run the select face again.


Cut the selected face and create a new mesh model of the remaining faces.
The curves from the original model are copied to the trimmed model except the trim edge curves.
The trim operation does automatically re-mesh to arrange a trimmed edge after trimming.

Reverse Run

Creates a new mesh model of faces cut from the selected face.
The curves from the original model are copied to the trimmed model except the trim edge curves.
The trim operation does automatically re-mesh to arrange a trimmed edge after trimming.
The trimmed mesh model is created by adding subscripts such as _M0, _M1, etc. to the selected model name and displayed in the project tree.