MediACE3D V1
User's Manual


Creates a curve on a mesh model.

Mesh Model

1. Mesh Model
Select a target mesh model.
Create curves in the selected model.

Close curve Mode

2. Close curve Mode
Keep the closed curve connecting both endpoints
In the Close curve mode, the two endpoints operate like one point.

Line Type

3. Line Type
Define the type of line connecting the points.
In Edit mode, select a point and change the line type.
Spline : Curves between points.   
Polyline : Straight line between points.

Start/Finish Line

4. Start/Finish Line 
To create a curve, click the Start curve button and finish one curve with the Finish curve button.
Create smooth curves with minimal points.
Do not draw two curves with intersect.
Intersection must be connected with two points of the intersecting curves.


Cancel the last specified point

Edit/Finish Curve points

6. Edit/Finish Curve points 
Start/Finish edit of Curve points.
Select the curve to edit and activate the Edit mode.
Finish when you finish editing Curve points.
Move Point : Modify the curve by clicking on the selected point and moving it to the desired location
Add Point : Add a point in the curve.
Delete Point : Delete the selected point in the curve
Delete Point function has to click the button first and select points to delete.
Since there is no cancellation function, if you delete it incorrectly, you must add a point again with the Add Point function.

Extend Curve

Extend the curve by adding a pointer from the end point if it is not a closed curve
In the case of closed curves, remove the closed endpoint and extend the curve by adding a pointer at the endpoint.
Select the target curve, click the Extend curve button, first click the endpoint and expand the curve by add points.
Click the Finish button to complete the extend curve.

Offset Curve

Select the target curve, click the Offset curve button and specify the offset position to copy the curve.

Delete Curve

Remove the only selected curve.

Move Curve

10. Move Curve
Move the slected curve by draging a point on curve.

Clear Curves

Deletes all curves on the selected mesh model.

Save Curve

Save the curve.
The list of curves is displayed in the project tree window.
Curves that have been created but not saved are marked with an * in front of the curve list in the tree window.
The saved curve information is saved as an XML file in the project curve folder.
The names of the curves to be saved are named by adding the selected mesh model name followed by _C0, _C1, etc.